A phone dialer written in wxPython
wxDialer is a simple and easy to use dialer program, roughly based on the win9x
program 'dialer.exe' - all it does is allow you to make and recieve calls on
your modem. A microphone is required, and it is suggested that you also have
headphones instead of using your speakers to prevent any nasty feedback.
A telephone headset, naturally, is best for this.
This program is not designed for Voice-over-IP (VoIP) or to dial to ISDN
modems. It dials out using your every day dialup modem, and makes your
computer one big handset.
Newest version available: 0.2.1 -
Download -
Firstly, a big apology for the lack of work done in the past few months. Spare
time had become a bit of a rare thing. But now my spare time is coming back to
me, and I am taking up the projects that I started but never finished. And I
will get this program to a working state very soon.
![[It dials!]](images/dial.png)
Of course, I'm open to suggestions. If you want to make a suggestion (or any
feedback for that matter) then please email me at
redzik@notsohotmail.com -
alternativly you can test your luck and find me on
IRC: #grasshoppers/irc.oftc.net but I cant guarantee that I'll be there when
you are.